The mystery of You, my God is oh so very great. The idea that You would come to us, for us, is so often beyond my comprehension. It says in Your Word that for a good man someone may possibly die which is true, but who of us is truly good? You see us inside and out, You know our every thought and every action. You who are pure goodness, You in all Your perfect holiness see all of us and yet still came to us, us who were not good, not lovely, not perfect or holy like You. In fact as I think on it, we were disgusting, wallowing in the muck of our disobedience and wrong, going against the very nature of how we were created.
However, in the midst of us You came down. You, spotless You, pure and clean, You died in the middle of us, You allowed us to kill You, bleeding every drop of Your blood to save us, the children who chose the dirt. You didn’t stop there though, You, the very Son of the Most High God, the One who allowed Himself to be killed, rose, You rose in victory because death was never a match for You! Then out of no obligation other than the greatest love, You offered Your victory to us, the Bad and Wrong, so that we could be near to You. This was your plan and great desire all along. You want us near You, close to You, intimate with You.
And I can’t help but ask Why? Is it because of the good things we do occasionally or the sacrifices we make? Is it because of our beauty, our skills, talents, or creative masterpieces? Or is it because of the time we spend trying to be “holy”?
And I can’t help but ask Why? Is it because of the good things we do occasionally or the sacrifices we make? Is it because of our beauty, our skills, talents, or creative masterpieces? Or is it because of the time we spend trying to be “holy”?
Surely not! Every one of these things are meaningless, just passing breezes in the landscape of our lives. They are acts from a people of dirt who too often have wandering eyes and unfaithful hearts.
No it is not because of us at all that makes Him desire and love us. It instead is because of the heart of an all loving, compassionate, and forgiving God.
You have written us on the palms of Your hands because of Your powerful and pure love towards us.
You have done everything to draw us near to You because of who You are, withholding nothing.
You have broken down every wall to adopt us as Your children because You are the perfect Parent and absolutely nothing can separate us from Your love.
We are now transformed because of You, we are given new names, new starts, we are no longer children of dirt, but we are children of the You, the Most High God, clean and being made faithful and pure because of Your faithfulness and purity!
All praise be to You our loving Savior and Creator, who never has forgotten us and never will leave us!
Although I cannot say that I can completely grasp this great mystery of You and Your love, may I choose to spend the rest of my days in Your grace unraveling these mysteries.
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