Sunday, May 29, 2011


Isn’t it just so amazing how God knows exactly what we need when we need it to be reminded of just how much He loves us?!  I went to the beach for the first time yesterday and what a wonderful reminder of God’s beauty, creativity, and just ability to inspire awe in us! The entire time the verse from Psalm 42:7-8 kept replaying in my head. It says, “Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me. By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.” It was such a time of relaxing in God and of Him reassuring me of His love.
Then that evening I was able to help with the youth. Raul had all the kids over to his house for a barbeque to celebrate one of the girl’s birthday, to play games, and to watch the Barcelona verses Manchester soccer championship. We also practiced a bit for the skit we are doing for church tomorrow, it is a skit done to the music from Casting Crown’s song, “Set me Free,” only of course it is in Spanish so it is, “Liberame.” The skit is so powerful and the kids do such a good job with it.  If you want to see the video we are basing it off of this is it…

Overall the night was just a wonderful time with the kids. We all had so much fun playing games like twister, eating cake, dancing, and fighting over whether Manchester or Barcelona would win the soccer match. It was so encouraging to see how accepting they were and even as we are starting to have very small conversations in Spanish just how patient they are to understand and willing to work with me to communicate. I able to really see how God is working and it is very exciting!

“May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. May the nations be glad and sing for joy…” –Psalms 67: 3-4a

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It only took my computer breaking twice...

Things I have been reminded of lately and things it took my computer breaking twice to really learn…
  •  That I chose well when I didn’t chose the profession of a computer technician
  •    That God sees so much more of the picture than I do, He knows exactly what we need, when we needed and has promised to and always will supply those needs.
  •    That I have been blessed beyond measure to have an encouraging, supportive, and so loving family of God back home. 
  •    That it is an incredible privilege and honor to know and be able to communicate with this family, to know their love, and to feel their prayers.
  •     To never ever feel silly or wrong asking for prayer or support no matter how small it may seem in the scheme of things.
  •        It is essential that we, the body of Christ act in love always, pray diligently for one another, forgive each other generously, be honest and open, and glorify God as one body together united.
  •     To completely and fully trust that God knows what He is doing. 
  •    To cling to Him always especially when it is hard, not try to hide how hard it is from Him.
  •    That the gift of life that God has  given us, is right here in this second, this moment, this place, not in another time, another situation, or another country. 
  •        Even though Satan can try to lie to us and discourage us every chance He gets, when we are living our lives as a sacrifice to God, those part of us that He would discourage and lie to are dead.  We are new creations in Christ, dead to sin alive in Christ, so Satan as far as I’m concerned is just talking to a dead man (or woman in my case.) He only is trying to deceive the part of us that has already passed away, and the part that is alive is now hidden in Christ, praise the Lord!!

These are just a few whispers, God has spoken to my heart while I have been here, I know I have a whole lot more to learn, but thankfully He is a patient teacher!

“The mind of the sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace."
 –Romans 8:6
     “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” –Romans 8:28