Monday, September 26, 2011

        These past two weekends have just been a whirlwind of wonderful praises to God! Last weekend was the retreat with my church here, Community of Faith, and then this weekend we welcomed another six people into the family of God! When reflecting upon this time these song lyrics keep coming into my head... 
"Sparks will fly as grace collides with the dark inside of us. So please don't fight this coming light let this blood come cover us, His blood can cover us, and this is where the healing begins!" I can see the church family grow and change here, it isn't an easy change, but it is beautiful to see lives completely renewed in Christ!


         During the retreat the youth, another leader named Anna, and I helped to watch the little kids. We all planned the activities together and worked as a team to accomplish what God had put on our hearts to do. It had moments of chaos, as expected when working with lots of little kids, but I saw so many of the youth step up and use the gifts God had given them to help and bring glory to Him. It truly was a great experience of growing closer to God and to each other.
Fun with the Parachute!

Craft Time!
Veggitales in Spanish!

Then yesterday we had another six baptisms, two of those were girls that are part of the youth group! It is so very exciting to see lives truly changing, and broken hearts finding healing in Christ. One of the girls that was baptized, her mother who was just recently baptized, had the privilege of baptizing her, and that was such an incredibly beautiful sight to see whole families changed for Christ! It is is such an incredibly thing to witness the beginning of a new lives, and the changes of hearts, but as we all know it isn't easy, so I please ask that you all be praying for these people who have just given their lives to Christ and for those that are mentoring and leading them as well.
Mom and Daughter

In Christ's Love,

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Banana Pancakes

   So I have returned safe and sound from my short backpacking trip, and thought I would share what God really placed on my heart...Oh and I thought I would share a pic of my successful banana nut pancakes experiment with you all, just for the fun of it...

Anyways back to backpacking, God taught me so much as I was treking through the mountain rage called the Alpujarras. I was seeing all the beauty, danger, and adventure God had placed in this world, and just truly taking in all that He has created for us. As I was marveling at the stars while in my mummy sleeping bag that night, the realness of God just really hit me. This world echos so much of who He is and what He has done for us in my every day routine I tend to miss so much, I forgot about the realness of God and the story that we all are living in. This story that centers around our Hero, Jesus, who came to us through the muck and mud of this earth, breaking our chains of slavery by willingly being killed in our place. Every person on this earth was condemned by a curse, but our Hero broke this curse by giving His life, His blood to make the curse powerless. Then our Hero went a step farther, not only did He conquer all our foes, return to life and claim us as His own; He promised us that until the day He returns, He would give us His Spirit to be with us always.
Yet to me, I think after hearing this repeated over and over again, it began to be more of a story, a beautiful and inspiring story, but just a story in the end. Satan began to whisper his lies and spread his mist of deceit and before I knew it I was taking the attitude that this story was too grand, too good to truly be real life. In the end it was too incredible, too much adventure, too much just pure love to have anything to do with me. I knew I couldn't possibly be worth that much trouble, maybe in my imagining or fantasies, but lets face it, real life? Nah, couldn't be possible. So I let myself fall into an apathetic state, one with cloudy at best vision of who Christ is, and what He has done and is still doing for me and in me.
Now though the fog is lifting and I can see that God was the One who gave me these "imaginings," He was the one who made me love these stories of adventure, danger, and pure love, just so that I could know Him better, and finally understand that this is the truth, that these "stories" are real life are my life and all our lives. The enemy whom I was rescued from wants nothing more than to fool me, to lie to my Spirit that all of this is just a dream, that I couldn't possibly be good enough to be loved by such a Hero, that such a good power doesn't exist in this world. That liar almost had me because it is true that I am not good enough to be loved by such a Hero, none of us really are, but he forgot one thing...My heart knows my Hero, He made sure to set eternity inside it, inside all of ours, and all of creation whispers in agreement with the truth. This knowing of my Hero means that I know that He is good and that His love and actions don't depend on me and my goodness, but simply on His, which is more than enough for all of us, thankfully!! The lie has then been exposed and the truth is setting me free!
The more I think about it, the more I realize just how sad it is that the world has been so deceived that to them the actual truth seems to be too far fetched, so rationally they chose to believe the lie instead. I used to think my imagination was a curse, that I loved stories of adventure and love too much.  However now I can see why, and I am seeing it as gift because it is helping me to see past the world's lies and see the truth with my eyes guided by my Hero, my Savior, my God.
Thanks all of you for staying with me on this adventure, I pray that you all are drinking in the truths of God and allowing His realness to change you from your very core!
God Bless Guys :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Welcome to the Family

Maria (one of the girls in the youth group that I live with) getting baptized
A Day to Celebrate the Newest Additions to our Family!
We had a great day starting with eating lunch together. After eating we had a small church service with songs and a sermon. Then we heard testimonies from those getting baptized and they were. Afterwards, we all stayed and talked for several hours, and just enjoyed being with each other. 
Me and Maria
Maria giving her testimony
Rosa (Maria's sister, who I also live with and who is also in the youth)
  giving her testimony
After being baptized Rosa and her mom Rosa
Rafa (A kid in the youth group) being baptized by
Raul and Joel
Monolo giving his testimony

Rafa giving his testimony