Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Not from my Vantage Point

            I recently got more information on the visa and all it takes to obtain one, some of this involves getting all my information together, getting  2 background checks, two apostilles, acceptance to the local language school in Spain, a physical, a long drive to Chicago, and one appointment with the Spanish consulate. When looking at all these requirements I immediately became overloaded, because my first reaction as it is too often, was  to try to do everything all on my own .  However, God was whispering the whole time while I was stressing out that He has everything worked out, and that I just need to rest in Him and take it all a step at a time.  So when I finally allowed His whisper to become louder than my anxious thoughts, His words of comfort and peace filled me and allowed me to see things from His perspective instead of my very small vantage point.  I know that there is a lot to do and that needs to happen but I am constantly reminded that God has everything well in hand, and all I need to do is trust.