Wednesday, March 13, 2013

This is the Day

     Sometimes it is so hard in the busyness of getting everything ready to go back to Spain to just stop and enjoy where God has me right now. Below I have a of picture that was taken of my little cousins and me on our walking adventure at the local State Park. It was a beautiful day, which in Ohio during the month of March, is like a small treasure amidst a sea of cloudy, snowy, and/or rainy days, and so we decided to take advantage of the sunshine. I had so much fun just enjoying seeing the world through those precious little eyes, laughing, and even finding a stray vine that ALL of us ended up swinging on. (I'll spare you the picture of me swinging :)) It was a day that really reminded me of just how good our glorious God is, in every moment He fills our days with wonder and too many gifts we can't count them all. However, it can be so easy to miss all that He is doing by concentrating on what I'm doing, or should be doing, or could be doing, or even will be doing. I was reminded to look to Him in all things and allow myself just to enjoy being with Him. 
Thank you Father for the beautiful reminder! 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I Want a Faith like Abraham


     While reflecting on this whole adventure of being home and support raising I can see it is and has been a time of waiting on God’s perfect timing, of drawing closer to Him, and learning to trust in Him fully.  I  have often had to catch myself as I try to go over things in my mind trying to “solve” the need for monthly support on my own. Thinking things like, "Well if I only could call that person, or speak to this church, or if I was a better speaker maybe I would have all my support." These thoughts try to attack my peace and poke holes in the hope that God has given me, but the truth is even if I was the best speaker in the world or had all the right connections it still wouldn’t be enough. It wouldn’t be enough because this move and mission isn’t about me at all and it certainly is not going to happen through my power. I am learning to let go, and how to really rest in our Savior and watch what His power will do, because it was His heart for Spain that He placed in me in the first place. 
I have been captivated once again by Romans chapter 4 and especially verse 18 which says, 
"Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping--believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, "That's how many descendants you will have!" 
     You may think this is an odd verse for me to be captivated by right now, but I think it is because it says that, "Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping." I love this because during this time of raising support and overcoming all the obstacles that moving to a whole new country involves, it can be tempting at times to look at the "facts", throw my arms up and say it's hopeless. However, with no earthly reason to hope I continue hoping, looking at God, the same God of Abraham and the hope that He has given me because He is, was, and always will be faithful.